Gary Wilson
October, 2018
Other Editions
Hardcore pornography was, until very recently, vanishingly rare. Even twenty years ago it remained difficult to access. With the arrival of video streaming platforms almost it became abundant and free. The result has been a massive, unplanned, experiment in what happens to us when we are able to consume intensely engaging, extremely explicit, material, without limit. The results of that experiment are now in. For a significant minority online pornography has created significant problems of addiction.
Gary Wilson’s book was the first to examine the impact of this experiment on our lives, and to track another, in which ordinary people took stock of their relationship with pornography and looked to change it. The result was a text that is by turns enlightening, horrifying and life-affirming.
Your Brain on Porn is a story of new technology and its impact on us. It is also a story of how rapid change impacts on our lives in unpredictable, and sometimes shattering, ways. Anyone who wants to understand our times needs to read it.
"This is the most considered, thorough and accurate account of internet porn addiction that exists at the time of writing." - Professor Anthony Jack, from the foreword.
“Your Brain on Porn is written in a simple clear language appropriate for expert and layperson alike and is rooted firmly within the principles of neuroscience, behavioural psychology and evolution theory … As an experimental psychologist, I have spent over forty years researching the bases of motivation and I can confirm that Wilson’s analysis fits very well with all that I have found.” - Professor Frederick Toates, Open University, author of How Sexual Desire Works: The Enigmatic Urge.